在app store提交了个评论 怎么样

2019-04-17 00:04:44 -0400


居然不能登录我的个人微软账户?Can’t be my own Microsoft account be login in?

我下载了这个outlook,一开始看着它似乎联不上网,我不说什么。之后系统自动给我更新了它,我能登录了,然而却发现个人账户不能用。在app store里好好看了看,发现这个应用需要office365订阅。那么问题来了,首先,outlook是全体微软账户都拥有的免费服务(也有收费版的比如付费的office365提供的额外部分,outlook for business,甚至为onedrive付费获得更多空间带来的邮件附件容量的变化。),其次,outlook也确实有给个人用的客户端,(并且十分好用,我也是用着windows与android上的。)再说这么隔绝macOS的微软个人用户是什么营销方式么?况且macOS自带的邮件应用上没有对微软账户的支持。因此我根本用不了,给两星是为outlook本身优秀的体验(包括其它平台客户端)。

It seemed can’t connected after installed, nothing by me to say. Later it is updated by the system, so I can login in, but my own account isn’t availabe. I have looked up in the App Store and find it needs account within office365 subscribe. So there are problems. At first, outlook is freely available for ALL Microsoft users,(Of course there is also purchase version such as extra from office365, outlook for business, even tips Capacity changed by purchasing for Onedrive.)Second client for personal is actually availabe.(And it is good to use from my feeling on windows and android.) Besides all, is it marketing tacitics for isolated personal users on macOS? And in actually there isn’t supported for Microsoft account on original mail application. I can’t use it anyway, just two stars for excellent experience by outlook itself including others.

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